Virtual Reality (VR) to take museums to the next level
Museums provide an invaluable link to what has come before. We are amazed by them, overwhelmed by them, and inspired by them but above all through their collections and interpretation we learn from them.
Real life artefacts in museums which are 10s, 100s or even 1000s of years old bring to life what we’ve seen in books or children have learnt about at school. This is great and memorable, there is no doubt.
But, Virtual reality will take the museum experience it to the next level.
Take for example a WW1 bomber. You can read in books about what happened, where they flew, see photos and maps. At the museum, you can see the actual plane, the scale, the fragility, the route maps.
Through VR at the museum, you can experience exactly what it felt like to pilot the plane, the take-off incline, the view from the cockpit, the noise, and the busy skies. And better still, you also feel the exhilaration, the power, the fear and the joy that a pilot faced.
Computer generated imagery (CGI) allows us to recreate from photos, diagrams, material samples and descriptions a culturally historically accurate experience, never to be forgotten.